Monday, 12 December 2011

Game Art

Photo Realism

What are they?
A very high detail art style where everything is made to look as real as possible this means it uses a large number of colours. This often requires HD graphics and a lot of processing power, it looks best on PCs as they can process the higher detail. It can be difficult to tell the difference between high detail photorealistic games and films.

What do they look like?
Almost real life and not a video game at all because of the high level of detail, makes the player feel part of the game because they can immerse them self in it.

Famous games in this art styles - include some screenshots/box art etc.
Crysis – It is used though out Crysis to make the game more realistic and it makes it nicer to play.

Cel Shading

What are they?
A quite simple art style that uses black outlines a lot for definition and doesn’t use particularly high detail much, can often look like it has been drawn or from a comic.

What do they look like?
Looks like it has been drawn, like a cartoon or comic book.

Famous games in this art styles - include some screenshots/box art etc.
Borderlands – It is used throughout the game to give a hand drawn and unique look.


What are they?
Exaggerating certain parts or items to make them look different than they normally would, for example stretching eyes out to be bigger. Bright colours can also be used to exaggerate things.

What do they look like?
Looks cartoony and unrealistic, can be used in both. Manga art is a popular example of this, especially in China and Japan and tend to be on the Nintendo consoles.

Famous games in this art styles - include some screenshots/box art etc.
Phoenix Wright – Uses a magna style which exaggerates characters facial features making them look unrealistic, but makes them stick in your mind more than an average normal looking character.


What are they?
A strange and unique art style, nothing tends to resemble any real life object, often uses a lot of lines and strange shapes, can also use different colours.

What do they look like?
Can look like pretty much anything as it doesn’t have to make sense or be logical, usually bright colours.

Famous games in this art styles - include some screenshots/box art etc.
Child Of Eden – Uses a lot of brightly coloured lines and shapes throughout the game.

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